Commissary Shopping Eligibility

Service Connected Veteran's Health ID Cards are your passport to Commissary Savings!

The Department of Defense expanded commissary shopping privileges in the U.S. effective 1 January 2020 as part of the Purple Heart and Disabled Veterans Equal Access Act of 2018, included in the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019. This expansion adds to the existing authorized shopper list here.VHIC Card

Follow these easy steps to verify Commissary eligibility before you shop:

1. Examine your Veteran Health Identification Card (VHIC), it must show either:

  • Service connected
  • Medal of Honor
  • Purple Heart recipient status
  • Former prisoner of war (POW)

     NOTE: Ensure that the expiration date is current

Eligible Veterans who do not have a VHIC, as well as eligible caregivers, will still need to provide a copy of their VA-issued caregiver patronage letter, VA-issued service-connected disability letter, or VA Health Eligibility Center Form H623A to show eligibility at the commissary.

2. Update if Necessary: If any condition is not met, contact VA Healthcare at 877-222-8387 to request an updated card.

3. Check Local Requirements: Verify entry requirements with your local installation.

Eligible disabled veterans and their caregivers should go to their installation visitor center to enroll for recurring access. There, they must perform the following actions to gain installation access:

  • Present an acceptable credential (VHIC, REAL ID or VA-issued credentials as referenced above) to establish identity
  • Submit to an on-the-spot criminal record and terrorism check
  • Go through an electronic verification process to confirm on-installation benefits eligibility. If the reason for the base visit is for health care, and the DOD installation doesn’t have a commissary, exchange, or authorized MWR service, then the visitor must provide proof of their appointment.

Once visitors enroll their VHIC or REAL ID for recurring access, they will be able to go directly to the installation gate and present the same credentials to gain access for future visits. Enrollment is typically valid for one to three years, or one year after the last installation visit. If a patron’s VHIC or REAL ID expires, they must reenroll with their new cards.

For more information on policies and procedures for obtaining a VA Health Identification Card (VHIC) and accessing DOD installations with your VHIC, click the following link: DOD VA INSTALLATION ACCESS

Click here to check your eligibility.

Click here to see how you could save at least 25% every time you shop!


The Benefits of Shopping Your Commissary

Shopper handing VHIC card to cashier

  • Savings exclusive to our shoppers means more savings in your pocket, every time you shop
  • Commissary Store Brands with quality equivalent or better than national brands and even greater savings
  • Manufacturer coupons like you’ve never experienced at competitive retailers
  • Convenience of online shopping through Commissary CLICK2GO, offering even greater convenience with digital coupons, custom shopping lists, and curbside grocery pick-up
  • Dietitian-approved labels and recipes, on-the-go meals and snacks to help you maintain mission readiness
  • A military connection and camaraderie exclusive to eligible patrons and family
  • A workforce that understands and values you because they’ve also served

Important Information About User Fees

The legislation for expanded shopping privileges requires our Agency, as an Agency funded through taxpayer dollars, to implement a small fee for purchases made with credit or signature debit cards. This fee helps cover costs associated with credit and debit card transactions.

1.43% for Credit and Signature Debit Cards
A fee of 1.43% will be added to the total transaction amount for these payments.

0.36% for PIN Debit Cards
A fee of 0.36% will apply for transactions made with personal identification number (PIN) debit cards.

Good News for Cash, Check and EBT Users
If you’re paying with cash or using Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) or eWIC cards, you won’t have to worry about any user fees!

Thank you for your service, and happy shopping!

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